My name is Ko Aye Chan Thu and I am a visually impaired (low vision). I graduated with B.A Burmese in 2010. before suffering from my eye disease, I could attend upto Seven Standard in Tar Mwe No.3 High school in Yangon, in 1999, the severe bad luck had unexpectedly changed my life to the opposit side because I was suffered from eye problem called retinal detachment. Then I went to Kyimyindine government school for the blind in 2002, In 2005, I passed my matriculation and continue to Yangon Eastern university (Tar Wa). I learned special computer technologies, English language and therapeutic massage training from Kyimyindine school for the blind. According to my hobby, I passionately compose own-tune songs for my friends. I create this blog is to share the things I have found for Myanmar blind people. I made audio tutorials, offer some useful and accessible softwares, special tech tips and tricks articles to Myanmar blind peers in order to reduce life obsticle to some extent by using modern technologies.
Now I am working private massage room for my career. On the other hand, I am always trying to help other blind people as much as I can. I am learning software development because I want to create accessible softwares for visually impaired people. At present, I have successfully developed very small and simple two accessible audio games for Myanmar blind people. If it is still chances, I will always be struggling both for my fellows and myself. Here, I use the word "struggling" just because our country is still developing and still listed in LDC countries, so there are too many challenges, inconveniences, gaps and complex social unfairness for us. Although I can contribute small amount and narrow degree to my visually impaired fellows, I am myself aware that I do not want to become useless person for my blind society and even for my country.
Note about my blog:
If the visitor is sighted person, my blog is not so looking good in appearance because I created this blog for blind users. The categories order will be not systematic and nice because I am not quite efficient in creating blog, but I will change if I have a chance later. I really apologize for unattractive view. The most important matter for me is to be able to browse and navigate accessibly for blind visitors.
What are available on my site:
1. Audio tutorials and softwares both for android and windows.
2. Songs created by blind people and other Myanmar song albums.
3. Dhamma talks audio files by famous Sayadaws
4. English learning lessons audio files for Myanmar blind people
5. Some of Myanmar talking books
6. General audio resources such as audio stories, tape novels and many more.
7. Special tech articles for blind.
8. Views and perceptions articles written by Myanmar blind people
9. Information about the schools for the blind and other blind related facts of Myanmar
If you are interested in checking what is retinal detachment which I'm suffering, click the following link of wikipedia:
You can contact me by the following ph number and email:
Phone: 09401601105