Jaws, job access with speech, is the most popular screen reading program for blind user in using computer. In Myanmar, we have been using jaws screen reader since 2001 or may be earlier than. For me, when I went to Kyimyindine school for the blind, I heard a news that senior blind people can use computer with screen reader called Jaws. truly speaking I do not remember exactly which version of jaws I started using. May be Jaws version 6 or something near that. Jaws has basically two type of version of program called home addition (non commercial use) and professional addition (commercial environment use).
History of Jaws:
Today, Jaws is standing as the most popular screen reader among blind computer users worldwide. It is therefore interesting to learn a brief history of it. The initial release of Jaws was in January 1995, and the latest stable version of Jaws is 2019.1901.66, while writing this article, which is released in January 31.2019. JAWS was originally released in 1989 by Ted Henter, a former motorcycle racer who lost his sight in a 1978 automobile accident. JAWS was originally created for the MS-DOS operating system. It was one of several screen readers giving blind users access to text-mode MS-DOS applications. A feature unique to JAWS at the time was its use of cascading menus, in the style of the popular Lotus 1-2-3 application. What set JAWS apart from other screen readers of the era was its use of macros that allowed users to customize the user interface and work better with various applications.
I refer the above information from the Internet.
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