This is a blog where you find out some information and other resources about Myanmar blind people, if you are visually impaired person from other nation, the audio resources on my blog is not useful simply because these are only for Myanmar blind people. However you can read articles or download softwares by ignoring audio resources.
Internet softwares download
Currently, I am able to offer a few softwares, but I will try to share more items for my blind peers. Choose and download what you want from the following Internet softwares:
Internet Download Manager 6.32.Build.2 (Download manager)
Press enter on the following link to download:
Avira Phantom VPN-Pro v16.3.2152( VPN software for windows)
Press enter on the following link to download:
Mozilla FirefoxPortableLegacy52(Compatible version for screen reader)
Press enter on the following link to download:
Internet explorer 11 browser for both 64 and 32 bit:
If you are windows 7 user, you may need to install Internet explorer 11 because some websites need latest browser to view. So the best solution is to install Internet explorer 11. But for windows 10 user, IE11 will not require.
When you install Internet explorer 11, make sure your computer has internet access because it will need to install additional features.
Internet Explorer installer for 32 bit
Press enter the following link to download file:
Internet Explorer for 64 bit
Press enter the following link to download file: