This is a blog where you find out some information and other resources about Myanmar blind people, if you are visually impaired person from other nation, the audio resources on my blog is not useful simply because these are only for Myanmar blind people. However you can read articles or download softwares by ignoring audio resources.
Windows safe mode for blind users written by Ko Aye Chan
Generally, we sometimes use safe mode in windows to trouble shoot problems such as virus cleaning or software uninstalling. There are other cases to use windows safe mode. In this case, we blind user might also need to run windows safe mode. You can find out many methods to run safe mode, for example, when windows start turning on, pressing F8 or Shift F8 or setting up in boot page of system configuration (typing msconfig in run box). I offer boot safe tiny portable software which can easily apply for booting safe mode. But there is a problem that safe mode does not support normal sound, so blind user can face technical problem. Luckily there is a way to use in safe mode for a blind user. The solution is so simple, you need external sound card or USB sound card. By using USB sound card, you can hear normal sound by using USB sound card. In safe mode, computer speaker or earphone jack of your pc will not work. You can only apply USB headphone/earphone jack to listen to the sound. In safe mode, both NVDA
and Jaws can run, however, Jaws video display driver will not work. So I recommend to use NVDA rather than Jaws. From my experience, I could successfully use safe mode with screen reader in windows 10.
1. I am not sure to use safe mode with screen reader in windows7.
2. Sometimes it may need to run safe mode sound enabling edited registry keys. You can find it in boot safe portable software.
You can find and download boot safe portable utility in windows softwares page. That software is useful and accessible for blind user.