This is a blog where you find out some information and other resources about Myanmar blind people, if you are visually impaired person from other nation, the audio resources on my blog is not useful simply because these are only for Myanmar blind people. However you can read articles or download softwares by ignoring audio resources.
First Ko Aye Chan computer tutorial for blind users (Myanmar)
Hello auspicious to all Myanmar blind people, this is Ko Aye Chan and I want to share my first computer audio tutorials for you. Any Myanmar blind person who is learning computer can freely downnload my tutorials. I divided into categories in order to study more quickly and easily. I recorded this computer audio tutorials during the days of new year of Myanmar in 2015. I hope that it will help you to improve your computer skill to some degree.
Make sure you are familiar with computer first because this tutorials is for only intermediate level. If you are just starting to use computer (basic level), do not try my tutorials first.
I do not allow my audio tutorials to release with money to other Myanmar blind people. I just offer free of charge.
Press enter on the following link to download file: